
The Mapry schema defines the properties and structures of the object graph in a single JSON file. This file is parsed by Mapry to generate the dedicated de/serialization code in the respective languages.

The schema is split in following sections:

  • graph name and description,

  • language-specific settings,

  • definition of composite structures (classes and embeddable structures, see below) and

  • definition of graph properties.

Introductory Example

Before we dwell into the separate sections, let us present a brief example of a schema to give you an overview:

  "name": "Pipeline",
  "description": "defines an address book.",
  "cpp": {
    "namespace": "book::address",
    "path_as": "boost::filesystem::path",
    "optional_as": "std::experimental::optional",
    "datetime_library": "ctime"
  "go": {
    "package": "address"
  "py": {
    "module_name": "book.address",
    "path_as": "pathlib.Path",
    "timezone_as": "pytz.timezone"
  "classes": [
      "name": "Person",
      "description": "defines a contactable person.",
      "properties": {
        "full_name": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "gives the full name (including middle names)."
        "address": {
          "type": "Address",
          "description": "notes where the person lives.",
  "embeds": [
      "name": "Address",
      "description": "defines an address.",
      "properties": {
        "text": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "gives the full address."
  "properties": {
    "maintainer": {
      "type": "Person",
      "description": "indicates the maintainer of the address book."

Language-specific Settings

Language-specific settings instruct Mapry how to deal with non-standard structures during code generation. For example, you need to instruct which path library to use in Python to represent file system paths (str or pathlib.Path). Note that settings can be specified only for a subset of languages. For example, you can omit C++ settings if you are going to generate the code only in Go and Python.

The available settings are explained for each language in the C++ Specifics, Go Specifics and Python Specifics, respectively.

Data Types

Mapry defines three families of data types: primitive data types (primitives), aggregated data types (aggregated) and composite data types (composites).

Primitives are the basic data types such as booleans and integers.

Aggregated represent data structures which contain other data structures as values. Mapry provides two aggregated data types: arrays and maps.

Composites represent data structures which contain properties. Each property of a composite has a name and a corresponding data type. Three types of composites are available in Mapry: classes, embeddable structures and an object graph.

The following subsections describe the data types, instruct you how to define them in the schema and how to impose constraints to further specify them. For implementation details in different languages, please consult: C++ Specifics, Go Specifics and Python Specifics.

For a summary of how Mapry represents the data types described below, see JSON Representation.

Primitive Types


designates a value can be either true or false.

Booleans are represented in Mapry as JSON booleans.


defines an integer number.

You can constrain integers by a minimum and maximum properties (minimum and maximum, respectively). Following JSON schema, Mapry assumes inclusive limits, unless you specify them otherwise with boolean exclusive_minimum and exclusive_maximum properties.

Integers are represented as JSON numbers.

Note that different languages can represent different (and mutually possibly incompatible!) ranges of integers. See Numbers in C++, Numbers in Go and Numbers in Python for more details.


specifies a floating-point number.

Analogous to integers, floating-point numbers can be further constrained by minimum and maximum properties (minimum and maximum, respectively). These limits are tacitly assumed inclusive. You can specify exclusive limits by setting exclusive_minimum and/or exclusive_maximum properties to true, respectively.

Floating-point numbers are represented as JSON numbers.

Note that different languages can represent different (and mutually possibly incompatible!) ranges of floating-point numbers. See Numbers in C++, Numbers in Go and Numbers in Python for more details.


denotes a string of characters.

You can enforce a string to follow a regular expression by defining the pattern property.

Mapry represents strings as JSON strings.


represents a path in a file system.

Similar to strings, paths can also be restricted to comply to a regular expression by specifying the pattern property.

Paths are represented as JSON strings in Mapry.


designates a day in time.

The time zone is not explicitly given, and needs to be assumed implicitly by the user or specified separately as a related time zone value (see below).

The dates are represented as JSON strings and expected in ISO 8601 format (e.g., "2016-07-03"). If your dates need to follow a different format, you need to specify the format property. Supported format directives are listed in Date/time Format.


ticks a time of day.

Mapry represents time of day as JSON strings and assumes them by default in ISO 8601 format (e.g., "21:07:34"). However, you can change the format by setting the format property. For a list of available format directives, see Date/time Format.


fixes an instant (time of day + day in time).

Parallel to date, the datetime does not explicitly assume a time zone. The user either presumes the zone by a convention or specifies it as a separate time zone value (see below).

Just as date and time so is datetime represented as JSON string in ISO 8601 format (e.g., "2016-07-03T21:07:34Z") implicitly assuming UTC time zone. If you want to have a datetime value in a different format, you have to set the format property. See Date/time Format for a list of format directives.


pins a time zone.

Time zone values are useful as companion values to date and datetimes.

Mapry represents time zones as JSON strings, identified by entries in IANA time zone database.

For example, "Europe/Zurich"


measures a duration between two instants.

Durations can be both positives and negatives. Following C++ std::chrono library, Mapry assumes a year as average year (365.2425 days) and a month as average month (30.436875 days). If a duration should denote actual months from a given starting date, you have to represent the duration as strings and manually parse them by a third-party library (e.g., isodate in Python).

For example, "P6M2.1DT3H54M12.54S" (6 months, 2.1 days, 3 hours, 54 minutes and 12.54 seconds).

Note that different languages can represent different (and mutually possibly incompatible!) granularities and ranges of durations. See Durations in C++, Durations in Go and Durations in Python for more details.

Aggregated Types


lists an ordered sequence of values.

Mapry arrays are strongly typed and you need to specify the type of the values as values property.

The minimum and maximum size of the array (inclusive) can be further specified with the properties minimum_size and maximum_size, respectively.

If you need to capture tuples, you can define an array of both minimum and maximum size set to the same number.

Arrays are represented as JSON arrays.


projects strings to values (in other words, indexes values by strings).

Map values are strongly typed in Mapry and need to be defined as values property.

Mapry represents maps as JSON objects.

Composite Types

Primitive and aggregated data types are the building blocks of a Mapry schema. They are further structured into classes and embeddable structures. Think of these structures as floors or building units. The whole building is further represented as an object graph, the encompassing data type. Composite data types are defined by their properties. All composite data types must be given names.

Mapry represents instances of composite data types as JSON objects where properties of the JSON object correspond to the properties defined for the composite data type.


are referencable composite data types. Each instance of a class has a unique identity which serves as a reference.

Classes are defined as a list of objects as classes property of the schema. The order of the definitions is mimicked in the generated code as much as possible.

Each class needs to define the name and description. The plural form of the class instances can be specified as plural. If no plural is specified, Mapry infers the plural form using a heuristic. A class can define an id_pattern, a regular expression, which mandates the pattern of the instance identifiers of the class.

The properties of the class are specified as properties property of the class definition in the schema. See below how properties are defined. If a class defines no properties then properties can be omitted.

Embeddable structures

are nested within other composite data types.

Embeddable structures are given as a list of objects as embeds property of the schema. The order of the definitions matters, and Mapry tries to follow it when generating the code.

Each embeddable structure needs to specify its name and description. Properties, if any, are given as properties property of the definition. See below how properties are specified.

Graph object

is the encompassing data type corresponding to the schema.

The graph object needs to have a name and a description.

The properties of graph object itself, if available, are defined as properties property of the schema.

The classes and embeddable structures are defined as classes and embeds properties of the schema, respectively.


are the essence of composite data types. The properties of a composite type (be it class, embeddable structure or graph object) map property names to property definitions given as JSON objects in the schema.

A property type can be either a primitive data type, an aggregated data type, a reference to a class or a nested embeddable structure. The type of the property is given as type property of the property definition. The type corresponds either to the name of the primitive, aggregated or composite type.

Each property must have a description written as a JSON string in the property definition.

Properties are assumed mandatory by default. You can specify that a property is optional by setting the optional to true in the property definition. Mapry will raise an error when parsing a JSONable object representing the composite which lacks a mandatory property. On the other side, optional properties can be simply omitted in the JSONable. If you need to evolve a schema over time, optional properties provide you a practical approach to handle different versions of a composite.

Mapry uses a heuristic to determine the property name in the JSONable object representing the composite (see JSON Representation). In most cases, you can leave Mapry decide the property names for you. However, you can specify a different property name of the respective JSONable by setting json property in the property definition if for some reason you need to evolve the name or need to follow an external convention incompatible with the heuristic.

The additional constraints of primitive and aggregated types (such as minimum value of an integer or minimum size of an array) are given as additional properties in the property definition.

JSON Representation

Mapry represents an instance of an object graph as a JSON object. Properties of the object graph are directly represented as properties of that JSON object. While this works for unreferencable data types (primitive and aggregated data types and embeddable structures), instances of the classes need a special treatment.

Namely, instances of the classes are represented in an instance registry as JSON objects. Each property of the instance registry corresponds to an instance of the class: the identifier is the property name (i.e. a key), while the instance is the property value given as a nested JSON object (i.e. a value, with properties of that nested JSON object corresponding to the properties of the class).

Each instance registry is given as an additional property of the object graph. The name of the instance registries corresponds to the lowercase plural property of the class (if no plural is given, then the name of the instance registry is inferred by a heuristic).

References to an instance of a class in an object graph are given as JSON strings.

The following table summarizes how individual types are represented in JSONables.

Mapry Type


JSON Example












"some text"





















[1, 2, 3]



{"someKey": 1, "anotherKey": 3}

embeddable structure


    "someProperty": 23,
    "anotherProperty": "some text"

instance of a class


    "someProperty": 23,
    "anotherProperty": "some text"

reference to an instance of a class



object graph


    "persons": {
        "Alice": {
            "birthday": "2016-07-03",
            "bff": "Bob"
        "Bob": {
            "birthday": "2015-03-21"
        "Chris": {
            "birthday": "2016-11-15",
            "bff": "Bob"
    "maintainer": "Bob"

Date/time Format

Representation of date/times in Mapry matches ISO 8601 by default ("2016-07-03", "21:07:34" and "2016-07-03T21:07:34Z"). This works perfectly fine for cases where you control the data and can assume that the reference time zone is UTC. Yet when you do not control the data, e.g, when it comes from external sources, you need to adapt the expected date/time format.

Mapry allows you to specify the format of a date/time through format constraint consisting of widely-used strptime/strftime directives (e.g., see strftime and strptime behavior in Python and ctime strftime in C++). Since code needs to be generated in multiple languages and not all languages support all the directives, only a subset of the directives are available:




The abbreviated weekday name (“Sun”)


The full weekday name (“Sunday”)


The abbreviated month name (“Jan”)


The full month name (“January”)


Day of the month (01..31)


Day of the month with a leading blank instead of zero ( 1..31)


Month of the year (01..12)


Year without a century (00..99)


Year with century


Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (00..23)


Hour of the day, 12-hour clock (01..12)


Hour of the day, 12-hour clock without a leading zero (1..12)


Minute of the hour (00..59)


Meridian indicator (“am” or “pm”)


Meridian indicator (“AM” or “PM”)


Second of the minute (00..60)


Time zone hour and minute offset from UTC


Time zone name


Literal % character

For example, you can match month/day/year format with %m/%d/%Y or day.month.year. hours:minutes:seconds with %d. %m. %Y %H:%M:%S.

Mapry-generated code will use the standard date/time libraries (unless otherwise specified in the language-specific settings). This means that the implementation of the library determines how the directives are interpreted, which could be sometimes ambiguous or not straight-forward to understand. For example, time zone information (%z and %Z directives) might be handled differently by different implementations.

Additionally, due to lack of escaping in Go standard package time, certain formats can not be handled. See Go Date/time Format Directives for details.


Since Mapry needs to generate code in different languages, parts of the schema such as property names and class descriptions need to follow certain conventions to comply with the readability and style rules of the corresponding languages.

Names of the object graph, classes and embeddable structures are expected as Sanke_case. Abbreviations are expected as upper-case, e.g., Some_IDs or Some_URLs.

Property names are generally expected in snake_case with first word lower-cased. Abbreviations are expected in upper-case even at the beginning of a property name: some_IDs, some_URLs, IDs_to_store, URLs_to_fetch.

Descriptions should all end with a dot and start with a lower-case. The descriptions should start with a lower-case verb in present tense, e.g., indicates the maintainer of the address book.

Further Examples

The brief example presented in Introductory Example gives you only an overview and lacks a comprehensive collection of use cases. To further demonstrate how to define the object graphs and how they are represented as JSONables in many different scenarios, we provide the following table with links to examples.



Example representation



JSON file



JSON file



JSON file



JSON file



JSON file



JSON file



JSON file



JSON file



JSON file



JSON file



JSON file



JSON file

embeddable structure


JSON file

class instances


JSON file

optional property


JSON file

differing JSON property


JSON file

For yet more examples, please see the remainder of the test cases. Each test case consists of a schema (schema.json), generated code ({language}/test_generate subdirectory) and example JSON representations (example_ok.json, example_ok_*.json and example_fail_*.json).